Project Description
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Client TATA Group
Project TATA CSR Publication

Planet and People
Planet and People

Tata Planet and People is a compilation of the Tata Group’s understated but voluminous social and environmental initiatives across Group Companies, to showcase their commitment towards sustainable development and social responsibility.
The work that the Tata group has done within communities is invaluable. These are true stories of grit and determination to protect natural habitats and improve the lots of marginalised communities. We worked with the group and story-tellers to capture these as easy-read stories. Photographs did not do justice to the efforts, in most cases taken low-resolution and in many cases absent. We decided we would tell graphic stories alongside the written word, tessellating the graphic storytelling across pages with new elements.
Tessellating patterns signify limitless possibilities. The tessellations we designed incorporated elements as mundane as sickles of farmers, to computers, flora and fauna, unravelling the impact of the story in the growth of the tessellation.