Project Description
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Client StoneShippers
Project Strategic Brand Identity

Casting Strategy In Stone

India’s largest exporter of sandstone, Stone Shippers, was meeting its incredible growth targets every year, through the processing and export of stone for hard landscaping to customers in the UK, US and other countries. The challenge was to diversify its businesses and move from a product oriented mindset to a brand oriented mindset, building an expertise in executing high-value products and projects. The opportunity was to expand their customer base across the globe as well as build a reputation within the India market.
Uncover our process
After an in-depth immersion with the management, client listening with international and Indian customers and interviews with company staff, we did a semiotics study to understand the nature of the product category and an audit and research of competitors. The brand truth we arrived at defined the way ahead. Natural stone has completely different meanings for the international customer and the Indian buyer. Therefore, this defined the need to strategically develop two brands to address the differing needs of the customers.
The strategy segued into brand positioning for individual brands, naming and creation of identity and brand systems for Xpereos and LivingStone, the brands targeting Indian and International markets respectively. The opportunity for Xpereos is to be an ally to the creative industry, giving wings to their visions in stone. LivingStone offers unique hard landscaping stone to the international market, with it’s positioning of unfolding ‘stories in stone’. We worked closely with the proprietors to develop every aspect of the identities, their personalities, language, brand tone and a bank of imagery which we assigned to a photographer to create a unique brand language. We extended the brand systems to all customer touch-points, such as marketing presentations, brochures, catalogues, website, sales kit and stationery.